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Save Our Charities - 2.6 Challenge

Join the #TwoPointSixChallenge in aid of FMA UK

A nation-wide virtual challenge event taking place on Sunday April 26th 2020 - become a Home Hero for the day!

The 2.6 challenge is a nation-wide virtual challenge event taking place on 26th April 2020, the original scheduled day for the London Marathon - and you can take part in support of Fibromyalgia Action UK!

There's no requirement to be a marathon runner to join in, we're seeking Housebound Heroes of all ages and abilities so get those with fibro and their supporters to take part. Simply think of an activity based around the numbers 2.6 or 26 and take on that challenge on Sunday 26th April. 

You could: 

  • run 2.6 miles,
  • complete 26 star jumps,
  • do a workout in 26 minutes (or even 2.6 minutes),
  • put on and take of 26 items of clothes or,
  • sing 26 of your favourite songs from musicals 

Anything goes, as long as there's a 26 or 2.6 in there somewhere!

Sign Up at JustGiving

Struggling for ideas for your challenge? Have a look at some of these ideas that others have thought of?

  • 26 second video
  • Put on / take off 26 items of clothes
  • Walk 2.6 miles round garden backwards
  • Walk 2.6 meters on hands
  • Sing for 2.6 hours
  • Sing 26 songs from musicals
  • Knit a 2.6 metre scarf
  • 26 minute plank
  • 26 pancake tosses
  • 26 keepy-uppies with a football or a tennis ball
  • Lets see you hop for 2.6 km
  • 2.6 minutes of dancing online mass event
  • 52,000 (26,000 x 2) steps up Everest
  • No alcohol for 26 days
  • No chocolate for 26 days
  • 260 situps/or pressups/ or burpees etc
  • Learning to count to 26 in different language
  • 2.6 mile run or walk

Share your videos, your pictures and your own crazy ideas that you have carreid out for the #TwoPointSixChallenge in aid of FMA UK and other UK charities. 


Join the #TwoPointSixChallenge in aid of FMA UK

















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