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Vimflow Parkour Put FM on the Radar

Mark Evans and his girlfriend Megan Coker are all too familiar with the suffering caused by fibromyalgia and the lack of awareness among the general public. Mark's grandmother has FM which makes her life difficult, "I sometimes offer to help her with everyday things as she really struggles," says Mark. "She doesn't like the fact that she needs assistance every now and then though, I guess none of us do!"

Megan's mum also has FM, and Mark and Megan are keen to raise awareness and are planning to organise charity events with a team Mark founded in January 2009 called Vimflow Parkour. The team is co-managed by Stephen Wall and is based in Medway. Vimflow Parkour is a team that practises two disciplines that are similar yet different, they are: Parkour and Free-Running. 

The team has been helping to raise money for various projects such as independent films, different charities as well as teaching people the ways of Parkour. Mark says, “Parkour is a self-discipline that requires the practitioner to adapt to the urban environment. Practitioners which are known as a Tracuer (Male) or Traceuse (Female), traverse obstacles with the ability of the human body using the most fluid and cost effective routes (for their stamina/energy) that would be realistic in a fight or flight situation. For further understanding: a Martial Art is to train you for the fight and Parkour is to train you for the flight.”

Mark and his team are hoping to put together various events in this year to raise awareness of and funds for FMA UK. They also have a magazine which is currently undergoing a massive overhaul, and are planning to add FMA UK onto one of the promotion pages.
Look out for more details about their upcoming events.

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