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Guardian Article - How to move: exercising with fibromyalgia
This article from the Guardian highlights the dilemma that a lot of people with fibromyalgia have when it comes to exercise, as well as some suggestions for slow and gradual exercises which can be of benefit to general health.
"Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes widespread muscle pain and tenderness. It is often accompanied by fatigue, altered sleep, cognitive disturbance and emotional distress. It usually develops in middle adulthood and affects more women than men. In Australia, fibromyalgia affects 2% to 5% of the population."
Leigh-Ann: Supporting a friend with Fibromyalgia
I didn’t know what Fibromyalgia was until a very close family friend was diagnosed with the condition, the kind of family friend that is family. After that, I started hearing the word everywhere, and I realised that there were actually a number of people close to me whose lives were affected by Fibro.
I was familiar with the idea of living with chronic pain, not through personal experience, but a few of my closest friends lived with chronic illness and pain: from ME to severe IBS, complicated skin conditions and Fibromyalgia.
Knowing how to support my loved ones with chronic pain is something I’m still learning how to do. Some of the things I know now seem so obvious, but when I was younger and knew so much less about Fibromyalgia, it didn’t seem so much so. I still get things wrong. I say or do the wrong things. I misunderstand. And I don’t at all pretend to come from a place of knowing all there is to know. But I think every day I learn a little bit more and try a little bit harder, and I hope that above all else, my friends know that I will always listen, and I will always be there.
Emily Canwood: Raising awareness of fibromyalgia
Hi, I’m Em. I’m 26, and from East Anglia and I have been living with chronic pain for more than ⅔ of my life.
I became disabled in the eyes of the government in 2018/2019 due to being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. In 2018 this was not when my journey with chronic pain began.
I remember being as young as 9 always complaining that my muscles and my knees hurt which was ruled down as growing pains. I was never the “healthiest” and I dealt with a great list of symptoms like being constantly nauseated, had poor balance/very clumsy, muscle cramping, lacking energy, just to name a few.
Research - Attitudes of healthcare professionals towards those with Fibromyalgia
Lay study title: Attitudes of healthcare professionals towards those with Fibromyalgia
Institution: Staffordshire University
About the study: This study aims to explore the attitudes of health care professionals toward those who are diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and the impact these attitudes have on patient care.
Type of opportunity: To help in the development and design in a potential research project
When will this study be recruiting? August 2021
What will participants be asked to do? Participants will be asked to share their experiences of Clinician attitudes towards them and how these attitudes impacted them and their care. After participants have shared their experiences, their experiences will help to develop statements will be used within the research. Participants will be asked to confirm the accuracy of these statements so that they may be used within the research.
Who can take part?Participants must have a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia,18+ years and English must be their first language
Who is conducting the research?Laura Scott, Trainee Clinical Psychologist
Who has reviewed the study?Yvonne Melia, Clinical Psychologist
How will the study benefit people with fibromyalgia?We are hopeful that the results of the study will help to develop improvement of patient care and start the development of training for clinicians.
Expenses: Unfortunately we are unable to pay for any expenses at this time.
What next / who to contact: If you are interested please feel free to contact Laura Scott for more information on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.