Memories of Bob
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- Category: Uncategorised
- Published on Monday, 05 September 2005 00:00
- Hits: 31661
Our Friend Bob

It is with the deepest sadness that we have to announce the untimely death of Bob Stewart, Chair of FMA UK. Bob passed away in the West Middlesex Hospital, London on Thursday 10th February 2005. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bob’s wife Pam, and his sons James and Iain.
It is due to Bob’s dedication and foresight that the Association is in the strong position it is today. In 1997, the Association was threatened with closure. This was not acceptable to Bob who would not allow this to happen and worked tirelessly with local support groups to ensure it’s future. Bob was Chair of the Black Country Support Group at this time. He enthused us all with his vision and was the driving force behind any success we have achieved today.
Whether he was an acquaintance or friend, Bob touched all our lives. He had time for everyone and empathy for both sufferers and carers alike and was always ready to listen.
Bob will be a very hard act to follow. Thank you Bob, we will miss you dreadfully.
FMA UK Board of Trustees
Gerry Crossley, Janet Horton, Kathy Longley,
Janet McFarlane, Jean Turner, Romayne Wright
Janet McFarlane, Jean Turner, Romayne Wright
We know it would be Bob's wish for 'Normal Service' to continue so please help us to continue Bob's dream for the future.
It was standing room only at Guildford Crematorium, Surrey on Wednesday 23rd February 2005 as we all packed in to say our good-byes to a much loved Bob.
Both family and friends gave moving but happy memories of the man they had known and loved. The message was clear; here was a man who had enriched so many lives by just being himself. Always time for others, no matter how ill he was feeling himself and a man with a wicked sense of humour.
Bob's wish was that there was no black, no mourning and that we should all have a party afterwards to celebrate his life. Bob's sons James and Iain did him proud by being strong for their mother, Pam, during the service then giving us all a glimpse of the man who had shaped their lives in such a loving way.
In life, Bob did not wish to be singled out from other members of the association or fibromyalgia sufferers and only used his title of Chairman when he considered an 'official' approach was needed.
Don't get us wrong, Bob was no shrinking violet but he believed passionately that the association was larger than any of us. When we spoke of disseminating information up and down the chain, he would gently correct us saying that there was no up and down only sideways, in other words we were all equally important to the infrastructure of FMA UK.
However, because Bob was special to us all, we make no apologies for remembering this remarkable man here in the words of his family, trustees, friends and fellow fibromyalgia sufferers.
Family Members
From Bob's wife Pam
Thank you to all the groups and individuals who have sent such lovely cards and messages to me and the boys. It has really made us realise how special Bob was to so many of you. It is wonderful that he was an inspiration to you and I hope his memory will continue to uplift you when fibromyalgia gets you down. Thank you also for the donations that were included, which will enable the Association to do more of the things Bob was keen to move forward. I hope to carry on supporting the Association so I am sure I will be meeting up with some of you in the not too distant future.
We thought we knew "our Bob", but after hearing the tributes from FMA UK group speakers at Bobs cremation, we realised we knew very little of the wonderful work he did for his fellow sufferers. He was so unassuming when he talked to us about the fibromyalgia work that he and Pam were involved in. To know just how much you all thought of him, has only made us, his family, all the more proud to have had him as, a son, brother, and uncle. Our lives will never be the same, but it gives us great comfort to know that the work he took such pride in, will continue.
Many thanks from all his family.
Sarah Ahby, Bob's neice