2011 Grand Fibromyalgia Association UK Raffle
How would you like to win a week away in Malta in an apartment where you can decide how relaxed or how busy you want to be? Last year’s winners, Susan and Roy Minifey, certainly had a wonderful time. “My husband, who has FM, and I loved the whole experience and found it relaxing, we came home feeling completely chilled out. Thanks again for the opportunity of being your raffle winners,” said Susan.
We have added our tickets to our sales page and you can buy these online and if you can persuade friends and family to purchase any that would be a great way to help us increase our funds. Your tickets will be put into the draw and your numbers emailed to you.
Of course if you can sell even more by having the tickets to sell, please get in touch with the office and we’ll get them sent out to you. You can buy them here.
As well as the Malta apartment, we have many other prizes including £50 of vouchers for Argos and many £20 and £10 vouchers for various High Street retailers including M&S and John Lewis. Just lovely for giving yourself a well deserved treat.
Or you could win a complete set of James Herriot books that will keep any winner well entertained probably until the next raffle. A set of six lead crystal champagne flutes will add a touch of glamour to any occasion and sets of luxury toiletries could make you feel glamorous too.
Other prizes include a mini gardening set, Baileys taster package, beach bag, wallets and scarf.
The draw will take place either at the Group Leaders’ Meeting on 25th June or during the trustees’ meeting on the same date and winners will be announced in the August magazine and on our website. The first prize winner will be notified immediately and other prizes will be posted out.