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To receive more information about news, campaigns, volunteering and how you can support people with Fibromyalgia please tick how you would like to hear from us. 

If you are already receiving information and do not tick a box, we will continue to contact you according to the preference you have already given. You can change your preference on opt out at anytime by contacting us at head.office@fmauk.org. For more information on how we protect and use your personal information please see our privacy policy. 

Runners with the best answers are more likely to get a place. You can enter up to 1000 characters. That's about 200 words.

  • I understand that completing this form does not guarantee my place in the event, but I will be contacted separately and told if my application is successful.
  • If accepted, I agree to pay FMA UK the £100 registration fee to secure my place. Registration fees are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another event or product.
  • I understand that if accepted for a FMA UK Virgin Money London Marathon place, I am undertaking to raise at least £1,000 in sponsorship (excluding Gift Aid) and banking for FMA UK by end of May 2015.
  • I confirm that I will be 18 years of age by the date of the Virgin Money London Marathon and that, to the best of my knowledge, my general state of health and fitness is good and I take full responsibility for my training. I take part at my own risk.
  • I give FMA UK permission to use photographs or videos taken of me to raise awareness or money for FMA UK’s work.

I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions.

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