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Recording Your Atos WCA Assessment

Paul Smith, of the Atos Victims Group says:

For quite a while now I have been campaigning on the very important issue of recording ones Atos WCA (Work Capability Assessment), through repeated FOI Requests, dozens of letters to Ministers and MPs I feel something has been achieved.

A specific reply to FOI Request from the DWP has now confirmed that claimants can now have their WCA assessment recorded If they request it, this has also been confirmed by Chris Grayling during a debate in the Westminster Hall on the 1st Feb 2012, to my way of thinking this is a victory for all those undergoing the Atos assessment process.

If you look at the FOI Request you will see the answer the DWP give -  http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/revised_wca_handbook_revised_edi#incoming-246487
I understand that many of you will already know that Atos/DWP carried out a pilot study into the viability of Audio recording of assessment's last year, this process I believe was a farce from start to finish, how can a pilot study be regarded as a true study when only 230 people took part, only 10 Atos HCPs agreed to participate also, this to me shows what we have always known, one the HCPs don't wish to have assessments recorded and secondly the DWP are also not keen, Chris Grayling said as much in the debate last week, as far as I could glimmer from what he was saying, it sounds like the  decision NOT to roll out the Audio recording of WCA assessments nationwide has already been decided, claimant's will have to REQUEST their assessments be recorded.
I have been in touch with Tom Greatrex MP and he is going to put down some written questions on this subject to further clarify some questions that need to be answered.
Some people have already asked me questions like "When will we get a copy of the assessment" "In what form will we get the copy in, CD,DVD,Cassette" "What about people who have home visits, how will their assessment be recorded", these and other questions need answering plus one other important issue surrounding this I think is imperative?
How are people meant to know they can have their assessments recorded unless they are given this information, I have suggested to Tom Greatrex MP that this information is put on DWP websites, all relevant materials, "Forms, leaflets, JobCentrePlus", this information needs to get out, I would ask all those who have websites, blogs, groups etc to publicise this information, everyone should now request that their assessment be recorded, take a copy of the FOI Request and put it in with your ESA5O form and request you assessment be recorded, give a copy to the JobCentrePlus office also, keep a copy for yourself for when you go to the assessment, I'm sure there will be problems but I think this will help us all a tremendous amount.

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