Site Q & A
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- Category: Uncategorised
- Published on Thursday, 14 July 2005 00:00
- Hits: 49053

This page aims to answer the questions about the site design and CMS prior to approval. The initial Q&A's are from Jean but more will be added as more Questions arrive :)
Q.I set up a new username and that worked ok. When I went to submit news it told me I did not have permission so I either did it wrong or it is not set up yet.
A.There are different permission levels. The default login that you receive when you Register allows you to do certain things but not others. At the moment you are allowed to submit weblinks but not allowed to submit news.
Q. When I did a few searches it came up with a few results and I went to look at the first item but when I came to go back so I could look at the second item found it told me the page had expired. I know this sometimes happens with submitted forms but this is not very friendly if I want to check all the instances it found.
A. This is a side effect of using a website based on dynamic content. There are ways around this that can be coded. I do not know if there is sucha solution within this CMS but I will check up on it.
Q. What will be the benefit of knowing that there are 3 guests on-line and one member and my name listed as the member on-line?
A. When more people sign up as registered users, there will be more online at the one time. The guests are people viewing the site that are either not registered or not signed in yet. This becomes a good thing when you can message people when they are on the site. If this is not required then it is very wasy to turn it off as with all the modules that are part of the CMS.
Q. How is the access to the site over a Dial Up connection
A. The site loaded within 25 seconds and each page accessed was practically instantaneous. (This is from Jean's Dial up connection)
Q. Can a certain area of the site be restricted to only certain users.
A. Yes, this can be done within the CMS itself or outside of it. It will depend on the requirement as to which is more appropriate.
Edit: 25/07/05
Q. It might be better to include the live content and then gather opinions on the new design rather than the current demo with the latin text.
A. It is possible to have the site demoed with near-live content but I would be hestitant in doing a full conversion in case it is wasted time. Also the use of the "latin" text is to allow focus purely on the design of the site and not the content.
I would like us to focus on the general concept that is being presented. The design can be altered later if it is required. But importing the content should be a one time process.
Q. I would like a "return to top of page" button at the bottom of each page.
A. This pay be possible to accomplish but it is a hard thign to get right as peoples screens are all different due to size of monitors and the display resolution that they run at.
The website does allow the providers of the content to paginate there contributions so that they are able to be fitted on managable pages. This is illustrated in the Demo Article.
Edit: 27/07/05
Q. What about disclaimers and site policies?
A. There would be a section on the site for such things as Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions and such things as diclaimers about advice and always seeking medical advice from your Doctor etc.
There is also the possibility of notifying new registered members in their welcome email about the T's & C's of the site and that their continued use of the site is an acceptance of them.