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National Voice Guide to Care & Support Planning

Earlier this month National Voice launched their  Guide to Care and Support Planning.

It is a fantastic guide designed for and by people who use services, and carers, with National Voices members and partners.

Why do we need care and support planning?

You live with your condition and/or disability every day and make decisions about how to manage it. Over time, you learn what works best for you, what information, care and support you need and how it fits into your life.

The professional or supporter you work with has skills and knowledge to help you understand their condition or disability and the choices for monitoring, treatment and available support.

Care and support planning makes the best use of you and your professional or supporter's expertise and the time you spend together.

What is care and support planning?

Care and support planning is about you working with a care and support partner to think about: 
•    what is important to you
•    things you can do to live well and stay well
•    what care and support you might need from others

Care and support planning is for anyone who has health and care needs over time.

About our guide

Our guide provides an introduction to care and support planning. It introduces the 4 stages of the approach and what should happen at each stage. It also include some information about how care and support planning can help.



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