Jacob Teitelbaum comes to Glasgow
- Details
- Category: Events
- Published on Friday, 01 August 2008 09:53
- Hits: 15129

For our "invisible" condition it was quite emotional to see so many sufferers come together in Govan. Dr Tom Gilhooly commented that the more you look for fibromyalgia sufferers the more you will find. I am sure that the Glasgow support group (FFS) will have many new members as a result of this meeting.
The talk was inspirational and was very well received. While the talk finished at around 3.30pm, both Dr's Tom and Jacob were still fielding questions up until 5pm. As mentioned on the presentation itself we will be making materials available from the talk. This will include audio recordings of the meeting, the slides from the presentation as well as follow up material.
There were also some websites mentioned during the talk that we will add here as soon as possible. With people travelling from Ireland, as well as from all over Scotland, there were many from existing FMA support groups. However there were also those that were not members. So if you would like to get in touch with people close to you, then have a look at the groups link at the top of the page.
I would like to commend the staff at the Pearce Institute for being very helpful and accommodating. Yesterday would not have been possible without the help of Fibromyalgia Friends (Scotland), and we are very grateful for the help and contribution of all their volunteers as well as everyone that lended a hand.
Websites mentioned in the Presentation
- Fibromyalgia Friends (Scotland)
- Jacob's End Fatigue website
- The Glasgow Solution
- More to appear soon
Dr. T's schedule of Events
Sunday 17/08/08
Radio 5 interview 10am
Monday 18/08/08
Article appearing in the Daily Record (Vitals Section) Link here
ITV's "This Morning" show
Wednesday 20/8/08
STV's "The 5.30 show" (interview available here )
Radio Clyde Late Show
Thursday 21/08/08
BBC Radio "Good Morning Scotland" around 6.15am.
Talk at Pearce Institute, Glasgow.
BBC Radio 2 "Steve Wright in the Afternoon"with Richard Allison
There will also be interviews for the Daily Record, Herald, and the Telegraph. Schedule is subject to change—please recheck a few days before the event.
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