‘Self’ foundation personal development workshops
- Details
- Category: Events
- Published on Wednesday, 18 May 2011 09:10
- Hits: 7385
Presented by Sandi Sayer and Bridie Nelson
Provisional programme
Date: 2nd July 2011 (start time: 10.30am approximate end time 1pm)
Day 1 (Self Confidence)
- The Dream Team - Introductions
- What is Personal Development / Life Coaching?
- What is the Self Foundation and why it is key to your happiness and success
- Break Time
- Your Self Confidence assessment (brief questionnaire)
- Wheel of life exercise
- 5 easy ways to Boost your self image/ body language
- Build your own Self confidence tool box
- Close - any questions
Date: 3rd July 2011 (start time: 10.30am approximate end time 1pm)
Day 2 (Self Esteem)
- Introductions and recap from Self Confidence workshop - did you use the tools?
- Introduction to Self Esteem - why you are always worth it!
- What have you done for YOU lately?
- Your Self Esteem assessment (brief questionnaire)
- Break Time
- Are you selfish - really?
- How to boost your self esteem in 5 easy steps
- Build your own Self esteem tool box
- Close - any questions
Date: 9th July 2011 (start time: 10.30am approximate end time 1pm)
Day 3 (Self Belief)
- Introductions and recap from Self Esteem workshop - did you use the tools?
- Introduction to Self Belief - not everyone wants you to succeed
- Your Self Belief assessment (brief questionnaire)
- Break Time
- 5 easy ways to listen to your inner voice and make it louder!
- How to build your own Self Belief tool box
- Self foundation self assessment form for all 3 areas – how have you improved?
- What now? How you can progress either with further workshops or one-to-one coaching
- Dream Team news and updates - what's on next!
- Close - any questions
- feedback forms
Cost: Free of charge, but please note that participants should be committed to attending all three workshops.
Value: £750
Places are limited and available on a first come first served basis. To attend, please go to: http://self-foundation-workshops.eventbrite.com and book your place today!
(please note that content may be subject to change)