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Katie's hair cut to raise funds and awareness about fibro

Katie Sturgeon will cut her amazing long hair to raise funds and awareness about fibromyalgia. Katie said: ‘’My mum was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after having persistent pain with no obvious cause. Luckily she saw a GP with experience of the condition and she was diagnosed relatively quickly. She has gone from a very active person to someone who struggles to get out of bed in the morning and who relies on a wheelchair to get around. My mum can no longer drive, walk our dog or sit and play with her granddaughter. It has been a huge adjustment for our family to make and even now we are still trying find ways to manage. 

I have not had my hair cut for nearly 2 years and it has grown a considerable amount, hence I wish to have it cut to raise money. Due to a number of causes being close to my heart, I have decided to try and help three charities in the process, with Fibromyalgia Action UK being one of them. I hope to raise money for the charity by having my hair cut and to raise more awareness of this debilitating condition’’.

To donate to Katie’s JustGiving page please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/Katie-Sturgeon/


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