Rebecca's modelling to raise awareness about fibromyalgia
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- Category: General Information
- Published on Sunday, 11 October 2015 12:44
- Hits: 5026

Rebecca Redmond, 24, took part in The Very Big Catwalk in Liverpool - an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the most models on a catwalk at one time.
Rebecca who has fibromyalgia shared her incredible story why she is taking part in this modelling event. She tells us why she is not giving up to fibromyalgia but challenging it and doing what she wanted to do before fibromyalgia stroke - modelling.
"I fully appreciate it, as it has taken me a lot to come here today and to do this event due to my illness - fibromyalgia.
Not enough people know about the illness and how severely it can affect some people. I have had it since I can remember but the past three years have been the worst for me. I have gone from being able to do ordinary things to having my youth almost taken away from me. I am not being able to function due to the debilitating pain I suffer from on a daily basis. The fatigue simply takes me to bed and there is no fighting though that kind of tiredness.
I'm 24 so it is a struggle every day. I hope that one day I will be able to be somewhat normal and have children. The pain has stopped me even from this. I feel like nobody knows and understands how painful the condition can be,. It is not just aches and pains; it is a complex breakdown of the nervous system. It also affects my concentration.
When I was younger and in and out of school due to this condition, I always wanted to be a people helper and make a difference. My dream was to be a solicitor and fight corners for people who had been wronged, especially within our systems, such as social care and healthcare systems, as I know too well the hopelessness of getting the wrong diagnosis and being judged by people in these systems as being either just depressed or even worse, as crazy, because the cause is not yet sufficiently known to the health care systems.
This is why I had to stand up to what has taken a lot away from me - fibromyalgia. I want to make it known and recognized as an actual illness and I also want to support the charity that supports this kind of work, as again, the charity is also not known well enough! I believe that everyone living with fibromyalgia should be able to access help should be easily accessed but sadly that is not always the case.
I hope you find this part of my life inspiring enough to make a donation. I know that doing this modelling event can put me in bed for a weekend, however this chance on the catwalk is one of the only I may have to seize the moment, hold it and remember it for me...and people like me all over the UK.
Thank you for reading it... and hopefully supporting me on this journey."
To donate to Rebecca’s JustGiving page visit: