Play In May
- Details
- Category: Fundraising Events
- Published on Friday, 08 April 2022 13:29
- Hits: 3754
Play In May will return in 2024!

How to take part in Play in May 2024
Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will add you to our Play in May 2024 mailing list.
Why Gaming?
People with chronic pain conditions have often used distraction techniques as a diversion from their pain. Fibromyalgia Action UK are hearing from an increasing number of people with fibro who use gaming for enjoyment and as a distraction to cope with and manage their pain.
For this reason, we organise an annual fibro awareness and fundraising campaign around gaming and called Play in May. Through this, we hope to get more people involved in gaming and experience the benefits of gaming whilst also raising awareness of fibromyalgia. It will also provide a more inclusive and alternative way of fundraising for those unable to take part in traditional fundraising events like marathon running.
Gaming Not Your Thing?
That's okay. You can still join in. Maybe you would prefer to livestream karaoke, a quiz or even your hobby. However you want to take part, we will be there to support you.