Research: Is spirituality good for your health?
- Details
- Category: Research Studies
- Published on Friday, 19 February 2021 13:33
- Hits: 3940
Update : I would like to thank everybody very much who showed an interest in my research project and to those who have agreed to participate, I am extremely grateful! I have had such a fantastic response that I can no longer include anyone else in the project, however I look forward to sharing the outcome of the project with FMAUK in a few months’ time. Best wishes, Sue Evans.
Is spirituality good for your health?
Hello. My name is Sue Evans, and I am an MSc student with the Alef Trust.
This study is exploring whether following a spiritual health programme can increase feelings of health and wellbeing in people living with Fibromyalgia.
Following the programme is simple and involves connecting with what makes you feel good – reading a book, listening to music or being in nature. Daily, short, meditations are encouraged as is keeping brief notes in a journal to mark your progress. You will be given a link allowing you to download the programme booklet before you start.
You will be offered a 15-minute online interview to meet with me so we can introduce ourselves and give you the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about the programme.
As part of the programme, you will be asked to complete a simple pain scale once before the programme begins, weekly during the programme and once on completion of the programme. You will also be asked to take short notes of your experiences in the form of a journal during the programme. On completion you will be asked to take part in an online interview to answer 6 questions about your experience of the programme. This will take about 30 minutes.
So, if you would like to try something different, something accessible that considers some days are better than others, then please feel free to get in touch, I look forward to hearing from you!
Type of opportunity: A 4-week study carried out in your own home using a programme downloaded from the Spiritual Companions Trust.
When will this study be recruiting? February 2021
What will participants be asked to do? Follow a spiritual health programme over 4 weeks.
Who can take part?Anyone aged over 18 who lives with Fibromyalgia
Who is conducting the research?Sue Evans. I am an MSc student with the Alef Trust. I am a Spiritual Companion and have completed the Diploma in Practical Spirituality and Wellness. I am a retired nurse.
Who has reviewed the study?Liverpool John Moores University
How will the study benefit people with fibromyalgia?I am hopeful that the study will help people living with Fibromyalgia to gain improved emotional health and wellness.
Expenses: None
What next / who to contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.