Andrea's inspirational story
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- Category: General Information
- Published on Saturday, 24 September 2016 13:35
- Hits: 4547

Andrea shares with us her inspirational journey from getting diagnosed with fibromyalgia to conquering the symptoms and living life to the full: ‘’We need more positivity surrounding this condition. I've found that there is lots of negativity and I found it hard to find sources that will help me to cope in a positive way.
I've come so far from being stuck in the bed and only being able to go to work to now working full time again and going regularly to the gym. I walk to and from work, I can even play with my dog again and I now I even do a bit of modelling as a 1940-50s model.
It will be at least next year that I will be ready for the tough mudder and my personal trainer will actually be joining me. He has done a tough mudder before and is very willing to help raise money and awareness with me. I encouraged in total 5 people who will be running with me. Even my dad has agreed to do it and one of the wonderful ladies I work with has also agreed to just trying to rope my twin sister into running it. The tough mudder will take place in May 2017 in the Midlands, but here is lots of preparation I need to do from now on!
When the fatigue sets in when I am in the gym people are very surprised. Then I explain I have a chronic pain condition and people look shocked how well am able to cope. My colleagues I work with say it is so amazing how I cope with my fibro as I also look after my mum who has fibro and other conditions as well and has had to retire when she was only 50.
Fibro is an awful condition and it’s life changing but I believe that it cannot control our lives; we just have to get into the zone and find what works for us.
I'm trying to live life to the fullest again. It's a slow process but I fight fibro everyday and I kick its butt with every workout.
I realised that it's been exactly a year since I was really getting treated for my fibro and I can't believe how far I've come from that point to here now actually being able to play with my dog and actually be a busy person and it does feel amazing looking back to the mess I was in and the amount of things I couldn't do because of my body being in so much pain and having to wall walk of an evening because I'd used my all in work.
I use mindfulness for health. When I'm not on night shifts at work I make sure I make time to soak in a hot bath with lavender oil.
My meds I'm currently on amitryptaline 40 mg. I take it in one go at night I take only ibuprofen when needed which I won't normally take untill I'm in agony. I have lidocaine infusions. I'm due my next one next month. It's being trialled by the pain team consultant in the Wrexham Maelor. I'm not sure if the Welsh service has it anywhere else but I know it's being trialled in the Welsh service.
Stress is a huge factor in my fibro so it can be really hard. I'm struggling these past two weeks as have a lot of stress at the moment.
I try and stay positive which is really hard because fibro robs you of so much and really does make everything so much harder.
I found the spoon theory and that really helps to explain to others how much the fatigue side of fibro can affect you.