Lisa McLernon's charity skydive
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- Category: General Information
- Published on Friday, 11 August 2017 13:24
- Hits: 4412

Lisa McLernon, 37, from Sutton-in-Ashfield will skydive in September in Langar, Nottinghamshire with UK Skydiving Adventures. She has already raised £750 on www.sponsorme.co.uk/lisamclernon and she continues to fundraise. The night-shift postal worker in Beeston will jump out of a plane at 13,000 feet to make a difference. Lisa told us: ‘’I'm supporting Fibromyalgia Action UK, Alzheimers Research UK, Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust and Royal Scool for the Deaf Derby. All the money raised will be equally split between these charities.
It is my first time fundraising for charity and I have decided to jump (literally) right in at the deep end and do a skydive. It seemed a good idea at the time!
I have particularly chosen Fibromyalgia Action UK as I have a number of close friends who I see suffer this 'invisible' illness on a daily basis and I feel I need to help towards a cure as well as raise awareness.
Alzheimers being the biggest killer in the UK is heartbreaking to witness in friends and family. Worldwide someone dies from this terrible disease every 3 seconds. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust do valuable work locally helping to improve the lives on animals and their environment. Royal School for the Deaf Derby is a non-maintained residential special school with a list of fundraising priorities to improve the wellbeing of children taught there.
I want to make a difference in people's as well as animals lives for the better. Just thinking of the money that I’m raising for these great charities has really spurred me on to do more charity work in the future.
Link to donate is - www.sponsorme.co.uk/lisamclernon
Thank you for your time, donation if possible and for providing awareness to my charity event’’.