Ben Keane's Rochdale 10K run for his Mum
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- Category: General Information
- Published on Friday, 22 September 2017 22:02
- Hits: 4071

Ben Keane will run the 10K run on the 8th October and he has raised already almost £200. Ben told us: ‘’My mum Caron was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia around 4 years ago after suffering for years with what was unknown at the time until a final diagnosis by her GP. She battled on but had to give up work 2 years ago. That was the end of 30 years of hairdressing job she loved. It also meant the end of most of her social life as it is often difficult to compose your thoughts and speech due to fibro fog. The condition affects her both physically and mentally including memory loss, the inability to follow a conversation, joint pain, insomnia and regular fatigue where even to go up the stairs is painful and like running a marathon.
There is no cure for the condition and very little is understood about it. My mum is currently on medication which only masks the symptoms. That's why the money going to Fibromyalgia Action UK is so important to assist in research and to help the charity to continue to help sufferers around the UK and campaign to ensure treatment is no longer a post code lottery which is currently the case.’’
To donate visit Ben’s JustGiving page: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/benkeane-lyons
On the photo: Ben with his mum on her wedding day