Article from Eric on the FM/a test
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- Category: General Information
- Published on Thursday, 28 October 2021 14:06
- Hits: 1897
Eric has written what looks to be a serious look at the FM/a test that members of our community have felt interested in taking or have had advertised to them. Even with our primary focus on the UK we have had numerous enquiries about this test over the years. We are thankful to Eric to let us know that the article is now free to access rather than previously being behind a paywall.
While the initial studies showed promise and as the article states could still have some positive elements to it thre was no replication or validation. Especially as it appears in this case that the attributes or actions they focus on can be the result or found in other conditions.
Simple takeaways about this and other research.
- We always stress that research needs to be done by other sites not related to the original group.
- Peer review is great but multiple studies and trials are better.
- We have been cautiously optimistic about this test but had lots of concerns and it looks like it is a business model rather than a medical test. So our advice will become sharper in relation to this test.
- At present there is no diagnostic test for our condition. But others are looking at this area and will explore this test as well as the others being constructed.
- Always be cynical and have the attitude "prove it to me" while retaining hope.
Long read but a good piece of investigative journalism that should help and protect people within our community.