First Time Enquirer or Newly Diagnosed
- Details
- Category: Documentation
- Published on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 13:24
- Hits: 11908
This is a container page for items that would be useful to First time enquirers or people that are newly diagnosed. It is not an attempt to be a resource for everything that you need to know but a first step towards providing some initial links and documents that may help you when you are first diagnosed with fm or find FMA UK for the first time.
- Patient Pack - A web version of the professional informaiton pack from FMA UK. You can also receive a printed version from the office.
- What is FM - Extract from information booklet.
- Spoon Theory - A way of looking at pacing that could help you explain to others
- Relaxation Technique for Fibromyalgia.
- Preparing for your Doctors Appointment
- Taking Medication Abroad
We will add more over time.