Good Photos
- Details
- Category: General Information
- Published on Tuesday, 04 July 2023 16:00
- Hits: 1242
Information on making impactful photos and videos
We intend to add information on how to take a good photo for contributing to a case study or one of our campaigns over time. Submitting a short video for use in Tiktok will be slightly different than a 3 minute case study. An image for the website will probably be different than one for twitter and of course it depends what you are trying to achieve with the content.
Things to consider:
- Check your smartphone or camera is set to high quality. This is often called HD
- Ensure you are in a well lit room and do not have the sun or other bright light behind you and flooding the picture
- Take a few photos and consider which looks best from the ones you have taken
Check the photo prior to sending it through and see if it is going to meet the intended use case
- If it is for a portait or headshot does it contain a lot of background
- Does it have items in the background that distract from the forground. Plain backgrounds are good.
- Can you get someone else to take it if it is a picture of you
- If your hand is shaking, can you put the phone/camera ona flat surface and use a timer?
We may be able to edit your photo if it has some extra background content or elements that do not fit with the intended use case. So if you a photo that mostly works then do not try to edit yourself and send it through.
Some links that could be of help
Setting image format to compatible
The Best iPhone Camera Settings | The Motif Blog ( -
How to take a portait photo
Take Portrait mode photos with your iPhone camera – Apple Support (UK)
Setting image format to compatible
- Android
- General tips
Thanks for looking at our tips and if you can think of something to add then let us know.