It's a Scream! Stephen Roach runs and runs ..
- Details
- Category: Fundraising
- Published on Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:23
- Hits: 15294
Stephen Roach is a seasoned runner who has taken part in 73 marathons. His
wife, Olive, has fibromyalgia and is in constant pain needing to use a
wheelchair to cope. So Steve has now decided to use his talents to raise
awareness and money for fibromyalgia. At the start line for the Blackpool half
marathon he certainly stood out in his Scream costume, a very apt outfit to
represent fibromyalgia!
As he ran he gave out numerous information flyers on fibromyalgia and overall he raised £340 in sponsorship. Great going Stephen! As if running a marathon wasn't taxing enough, Stephen is now planning to run up and down Snowdon on 26th July, this time as Superman. Once again, he will be handing out information leaflets and is collecting sponsorship. Well done Stephen for turning your passion into such a positive awareness raising initiative. We wish you well for your next run. To sponsor Stephen go to: