Choose a song for Fibro
- Details
- Category: Fundraising
- Published on Saturday, 31 July 2010 14:12
- Hits: 11953
From Carys and Sacred HeartI have been talking with Des about an exciting project. My husband is the drummer for Sacred Heart and the lead singer, Paul, and I were talking about Fibro and the charity. Paul came up with the idea of recording a song for FMA UK. They aren't just a band rehearsing in the garage but are professional and do gigs all over the country and have an ever growing following. They've released two albums which have had brilliant reviews in magazines like "Fireworks" which is a big magazine in the industry. If anyone wants to check out their reviews then you can see them
So, the idea is they will remix and release a single for Fibromyalgia Awareness week on iTunes, and as a CD available from Amazon. They would split the profits 50/50 with the charity. FMA UK has said they like the idea and are going to help promote it in their magazine etc. The beauty of the project is that it isn't going to cost the charity anything, so every single sold is pure profit for the charity. The CD will have info about the charity and fibro on the artwork and the band will include information about fibro on the webpage.
The original versions of the songs are on iTunes and You Tube. As the song is going to represent the charity we'd really like some help in choosing which song you'd like. Once chosen the band are going to remix it and release it as a new single.
The three songs to choose from are listed below:
You can register your vote on the forum here.
FMA UK would like to thank Sacred heart for offering to do this to raise awareness of Fibromyalgia.