9 Reasons to Bring Adventure Into Your Life...
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- Category: Fundraising
- Published on Friday, 02 September 2011 19:42
- Hits: 6681
Doing a sponsored abseil for a charity is becoming a popular choice for many people, simply because it can raise a lot more cash than a table top sale of cupcakes! However, for quite a few, fear gets in the way and stops them from having a go. This is where Bridie Nelson can really help, because unlike an organised ‘off the peg’ abseil, she can take the time to fully prepare you for the event, well in advance and not just on the big day.
So if you feel that you’d like to give it a go but are too scared, let her be your safety net, your cushion – even if it means that she does an abseil right by your side – once you fully commit to doing it, she won’t let you fail...........Bridie knows all too well the life-changing impact of embarking on an adventure and has written an ebook on the 9 reasons to bring adventure into your life.......
Welcome to the 9 reasons to bring adventure into your life. I found ‘adventure’ (well, abseiling to be precise) at the age of 29. I’d been stuck in an abusive, domineering relationship since I was 19. I was a jam making, cake baking, stay at home mum of two young children and I freely admit that I was slowly going out of my mind.
My Guardian Angel came in the form of a friend who ran outdoor training courses for middle management. He needed someone to fill up places on a weeklong residential team leading course that he was running, and for some unknown reason he thought of me. My entry to the course was gained by answering two simple questions: can you swim? (yes) and are you afraid of heights? (no).
The next thing I knew, I was in a room full of people I’d never met, who all spoke an alien ‘business’ language. I was way out of my depth and could quite happily have walked out, packed up and gone home. Thankfully, I didn’t and I found my place in the team very quickly. I was amazed to find that they all saw me as the gentle leader, the person who listened, and who was able to quickly get to the heart of a problem.
I remember my very first abseil, which was down the side of a three story building. My heart was pounding and my legs were like jelly and the two things that got me through it were: trust in the skills of the instructors, and my team buddies cheering me on to go over the edge. The abseiling was a small part of that week of activities (although a day or so later I abseiled down a disused railway viaduct as well) but it was a life changing week for me and it gave me the strength and courage to make the changes in my life which I knew were long overdue.
Since then, I’ve gone from strength to strength and I’ve experienced many adventure sports including: rock climbing, ropes courses, orienteering, caving, canoeing, cliff abseiling (forwards and backwards!), white water rafting, micro-lighting, speed-boating... I’ve got a lot more planned too!
So, I have written an e-book which comes from very personal experience to tell you the 9 reasons to bring adventure into your life. I truly know the benefits of having some adventure in your life and I hope that by sharing with you, I can encourage you to break free from the chains that are holding you back, and give yourself the chance to experience something amazing!
9 Reasons to Bring Adventure Into Your Life:
- Makes you feel alive
- Kick starts your confidence
- Puts everyday fears into perspective
- Increases your pride and self esteem
- You CAN do the unthinkable
- Make lifelong friends and business buddies
- Raise money for charity
- Changes the way you see yourself
- Time to let your tiger out!
Extracts from Bridie’s ebook:
‘At this point your mind begins to wander, anything to take your mind off the fact that your legs are feeling very wobbly! It might occur to you that dealing with your tax return, or going the dentist for a root canal, or even leaving your job and going it alone as a freelancer isn’t such a big deal compared to what you are doing at this moment! Ordinary ‘stuff’ is nothing to be scared of. After all, if you can take a leap of faith at 150ft up a cliff face, then you can do pretty much anything can’t you!’
‘Doing something adventurous really does bring out strengths that you didn’t know you had. Not only the strengths used to get you through the experience yourself - and I’m talking about mental and physical strengths - but also those used to help and support others to succeed too.’
‘One thing I can guarantee is that you will experience a change in the way you see yourself and there will also be a change in the way others see you. After you prove to yourself and those around you that you have the courage to do something out of the ordinary, you will not be viewed in the same way. You will have lifted yourself into being the extraordinary person you were born to be.’
By Bridie Nelson
To read the full version of the ebook and to sign up for your first amazing adventure visit
Upcoming adventure trip:
An Experience for the Nervous Adventurer
Friday October 7th – Sunday October 9th 2011