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Michelle Skydives for FMA UK

Michelle says:   Both my uncle and close friend suffer with this, which causes them widespread pain and profound fatigue.  It severely affects what they can do in their daily lives and it was seeing the people that I know and love coping with this painful condition every day that prompted me to be brave myself and do something to help.  

Fibromyalgia is a little known condition and by completing a Skydive, I hope to raise some money to help FMA UK continue their work and relieve the suffering that this condition can cause.  Wish me luck and please dig deep and donate.

 You can sponsor Michelle and help FMA UK by donating through her Just Giving page at www.justgiving.com/Michelle-Ayling-0

 Pam Stewart, FMA UK Trustee says:

We admire Michelle’s courage and support for her family and friend by doing this skydive. We rely on the generosity and determination of people like her to enable us to continue to support people with fibromyalgia and work towards finding effective treatments.

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