The Fibromyalgia Border 2 Border Challenge!
- Details
- Category: Fundraising
- Published on Saturday, 31 March 2012 15:57
- Hits: 7284
Rebecca Wass, who has suffered with Fibromyalgia for over 16 years, has organised some friends from Norwich, East Anglia, to form the team 'Fibro and my Anglias'. The challenge is to cover over 100 miles covering beaches, cliffs and paths by foot power from one side of Norfolk to the other along the coastal path in 5 days. This is a major challenge for any able and healthy person but one that Rebecca will find incredibly difficult but she knows her Anglian Friends will help her cross the finishing line.
Rebecca covered the length of the country as The Twix Tea Lady cycling from Lands End to John O Groat's handing out tea and biscuits to raise money for Have A Heart and to raise awareness of Fibromyalgia whilst winning a world record.
She is now going to attempt to cover the width of Norfolk whilst raising money for Fibromyalgia Association UK, but this time she is leaving the two wheels behind! Rebecca was hoping to do a similar walk this time last year but unfortunately suffered a flare up and was advised not to attempt it. She’s hoping that she can achieve her dream this year along with some very supportive friends who have offered to carry her if she fails.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition of widespread pain and profound fatigue. Fibromyalgia is a common illness, in fact it is more common than rheumatoid arthritis and can even be more painful but due to a lack of money and research it is a condition with no cure or specific medication.
Rebecca and her team of walkers want to raise the awareness of this illness whilst also giving hope to sufferers around the UK that even with this illness you can improve your health with a managed diet, exercise and positive thinking, although Rebecca would not necessarily recommend walking for 100 miles. Rebecca is also interested in meeting fellow sufferers in the Norfolk area so she can collect a Log of Fog – a book about all the different people with the illness and how they cope. This would highlight how common the illness is and how if affects many people in different ways. Some can lead a mainly healthy life whilst others are bed ridden.
Andrew Osborne who is joining the team on the walk said, “I'm doing this walk with Rebecca to raise money and awareness of Fibromyalgia, lots of people are affected by it to varying degrees, I have seen the impact this illness has on her daily life although she won't complain and puts on a brave face even when she is still in pain. I know that more research would give her and others who suffer hope for a cure in the future.”
Fibromyalgia Association UK gives information and support to thousands of sufferers around the country and more importantly they will advise you of support groups which are a lifeline to many.
Please support Fibro and my Anglias, and make the blisters worthwhile!! To sponsor Rebecca and her team go to
To follow them on Twitter go to #fibroanglias
Or follow them on facebook under the group – Fibroandmyanglias
Both pages will be updated with the route and expected arrival times in each larger town along the route – please come and say HI!