a fantastic cycle ride to raise awareness and funds for Fibromyalgia
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- Category: Fundraising
- Published on Tuesday, 05 February 2013 13:27
- Hits: 7559
Jignesh Sutar completed a fantastic cycle ride to raise awareness and funds for Fibromyalgia. We would like to publicly thank him for this tremendous effort and for all those people that sponsored him and made this such a success raising £1373.71 in total.
He has written this account of his challenge.
First 4 days were great, I was cycling in beautiful sunshine, temperatures reaching above 30+. Each day I was questioning why I was carrying the additional weight of full body thermals, skiing gloves & a balaclava(!) in my backpack. So eventually on day 5 I ended up parceling 2.5kg of my gear to Santiago. And then, what happened on day 5 evening? It rained for the first time and the temperature just dropped!
All the warm clothes I parceled away were everything I desperately needed now! I was doing 100+ km almost each day now and made it a point to continue to do so simply to be reunited with my gear again! I ended up reaching Santiago on day 8 of the 14 days I gave myself which then gave me the opportunity to go to Finisterre and Muxia also. The days of cycling after reaching Santiago to do the Finisterre-Muxia Way were cycling in torrential down pour, where waterproofs were no longer waterproofs. The last day of cycling, I ended up having to cycle with a balaclava and in deep fog, so somewhat a contrast to my first day!
12days of cycling
1,076 kmdistance travelled
63h:06mof love making between saddle and buttocks
17 km/haverage speed
68 km/hmaximum speed (and that was without pedaling!)
5 kmlongest descent (now that was fun!)
550 mhighest climb
134 kmlongest day
33 kmshortest day (believe me, it was a wise decision to call it a day after only 33 km. My toes were swimming in my cycling shoes!)
17,768calories burnt
0 puncturess(go specialized armadillo's!)
1 Boat ride(In my defense I didn’t take the second opportunity, and much longer detour, in taking the boat ride to get past Santander!)
3 kgbody weight lost! (Now if anyone needed a reason to do the Camino, you have one now!)