Fundraising from Loch Ness to Broadway
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- Category: Fundraising
- Published on Sunday, 28 February 2016 23:03
- Hits: 4688
As a fibromyalgia sufferer, as well as being the office admin, I try every year to do some fundraising for the charity during awareness week in September. A couple of years ago, along with my daughter - I did a virtual tour of Orkney - adding up the distance I covered on treadmill & bike in the gym each week. Small amounts each week soon totalled up and I made it almost all the way round the Orkney mainland over the space of 6 months..
About this time last year, after the local gym Abbeymill Fitness (now Iconic) offered to raise funds for the charity it was agreed that they would enter runners into the Loch Ness Festival of Running Marathon, 10K and 5K. Excellent says me until I was asked if I wanted to do the 5k as part of their team.
Now at this point I was doing 5-10 minutes slowly on the treadmill and not even managing to walk 1k let alone 5K!!! However, always one for a challenge - I agreed, and began training with Stephen Brown, who had agreed to walk the 5k with me. My best friend, Amanda also agreed to do it. We trained hard and on the day we were last to start ...and last to finish at an impressive 1 hour 22 mins (although the time above our crossing the line shows 38 mins ...but this was the times for the 10K runners !!! (but hey it looks good). The marathon and 10k runners did far better times than us, and altogether we raised over £1200 for FMA UK. (the picture on the left is all the runners getting ready to leave Paisley, and on the right shows myself, Amanda & John (10K) with our winners medals
Loch Ness Festival of Running is set in beautifu surroundings - and I'm told that the marathon route is totally breathtaking !!!
We won't be running this year - but if you enjoy running, and are looking for somewhere different - why not consider Loch Ness.
{from their website
A Monster Race... running alongside the shores of the world's most famous loch.
Rèis Uile-bheist... a’ ruith an cois cladaichean an locha as ainmeil air an t-saoghal
Loch Ness is one of the best-known destinations in the world. Its beautiful scenery and the centuries-old mystery of the Loch Ness monster have attracted visitors from around the world for years.
The monster is not the only long-running legend in the area, as Loch Ness is also home to one of the best marathons in the UK. It is the biggest in Scotland which takes place in a rural setting, and brings lots of opportunities for all kinds of runners to take part – either in the marathon or one of the associated running events.
Whatever your reasons for running, we invite you to join us on the start line and become part of the Loch Ness running legend. Explore the events we offer: all of them providing fantastic sights, challenges to suit various abilities, lots of fun, and the chance to achieve something memorable in one of the most famous parts of the world.
Learn more about the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon; Baxters River Ness 10K; 10K Corporate Challenge; 5K Fun Run; and our Wee Nessie. Enter online now. (early bird entry closes 01/03/16)
... and now to Broadway!!!
Well - unfortunately we didnt actually get as far as Broadway, but when I heard about a fundraiser being held nearby which was featuring the songs of Broadway, West End & more I took the opportunity to go along with my daughter who is mad about musicals. Amanda came along too to enjoy a night out. Gary and Angela Adams put on a fantastic evening of entertainment with a wide selection of songs, and I was personally delighted when he sang "Dance with your Father Again" and my daughter's highlight was songs from Les Mis & Shrek (she even wore her Shrek tiara from being at the show the evening before). The evening raised £300 for the charity so thank you Gary & Angela.
FMA UK depend hugely on the fantastic work that is done by fundraisers throughout the year ... sometimes the fundraiser has fibromyalgia themselves, sometimes it is a family member or friend who is doing the actual activity. Whether a fundraiser raises £10 or £1000 - each and every penny counts and helps FMA UK continue to work supporting people with fibromyalgia and raising awareness of the condition.
As for me - I'm still trying to decide what I can do as my fundraising challenge for 2016. One thing it won't be is anything that involves exercise or being too energetic ... I've done that the past two years, and reckon its time for something a little less strenous. But hopefully my story, and the stories that are published of what some of our other fundraisers are up to will inspire you to do something (or get someone to do so on your behalf).
Hazel x