Durham Univerisity Jazz Society raises awareness of fibro and funds for FMA UK
UPDATE: since their Charity Jazz Ball, Durham University Jazz Society have won the Palatinate award for Best Music Outreach and Fundraising 2023!
Durham University Jazz Society recently held a Charity Jazz Ball in aid of Fibromyalgia Action UK. Their Social and Outreach Officer, Athena, recently told us why she chose to fundraise for FMA UK and raise awareness of fibro.
“Fibromyalgia has made my mum’s life difficult in a way I could never even begin to imagine. It’s made working and managing a house extremely challenging, but more than that, it has deprived her of precious life experiences with her family.
When I was younger, I used to want to go to a theme park every year for my birthday, and so we would all go as a family. Gradually over the years, it became more and more taxing for my mum to go on the rides, and soon enough, she was only able to sit and watch while my dad took us on the rides.
Similarly, as a musician, I’ve always enjoyed going to concerts, but the whole ordeal of attending a concert over time has become too much for my mum, and so again, my dad became my concert buddy. Don’t get me wrong, my dad has always been the best concert buddy, but my heart hurts for my mum knowing that she can only watch on from the sidelines.
This by no means, however, is to say that my mum has never been involved. She is the best mum I could ever ask for, and has time and time again sacrificed her own comfort and exacerbated her symptoms in order to prioritise my and my sister’s needs and support us in her own unique way when that sacrifice is not possible.
Hence, I chose to support Fibromyalgia UK as they help those who have the condition in a variety of hands-on and life-changing ways. A couple of the things within the long list of ways in which they help out that hugely stuck out to me were the benefits support and their involvement with medical professionals. It is rare to find a charity that advocate so strongly for the people they are supporting with such complex issues that are often hidden behind closed doors. Sufferers of fibromyalgia get very little support from medical professionals and are left in the dark about what is happening to their bodies and what they can do to help themselves and so having a charity like Fibromyalgia UK to represent them in a professional environment is vital to understanding how to still live a fulfilling life.
Durham University students love nothing more than a ball, and the Jazz Society host a charity ball each year for their members. Being the 2022-23 Social and Outreach Officer, planning the ball fell to me this year, and I thought there couldn’t be a better way to represent Fibromyalgia than with this event. We hired three jazz bands as well as a party band, all student-led, to entertain our eighty-three guests as well as putting on a meal for them in Durham Masonic Hall.
My mum has taught me that having the energy and facilities to be able to play music and perform is valuable, and so I wanted to provide as many people as possible with the opportunity to do what they love for a great cause. The meal also gave the tired students a chance to sit back and relax and not need to worry about cooking for themselves, another challenge that people with Fibromyalgia face.
Ultimately, the ball was a blast, a cracking party which, for me personally, was a chance to celebrate my mum and all the amazing things she has achieved despite her condition. I’ll never be able to repay my mum for all of the sacrifices she has made for me to have such a fulfilling life so full of love so the least I could do was honour her with this ball.”
If you have been by inspired to fundraise by Athena's story, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..