Jay takes on Ladies Boxing Challenge
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- Category: Fundraising
- Published on Monday, 13 October 2014 14:34
- Hits: 5268
Jay is taking on a daring challenge for herself and FMA UK as she explains below. We wish her well in her training and the boxing match itself.
I am able to currently manage my fibromyalgia and I was fortunately already doing the right things to help myself prior to diagnosis despite never even hearing about the condition until I was diagnosed. Despite having fibromyalgia I consider myself lucky, I am able to work and I am also extremely stubborn, this condition is a part of me, the pain is always in the background and I refuse to let it rule what I can and cannot do. There are though fibromyalgia sufferers who are not as fortunate as I am, they have it more severe and cannot work, they have stopped work or are forced into early retirement.
This leads me on to why I have created my Just Giving Page, I have began an eight week womens' boxing training programme and at the end of the eight weeks training I will get matched up with an opponent that will culminate in a 'white collar' women's boxing event at Preston North End football club on Saturday 1st November 2014. There will be lights, music, announcer, professional referee, doctors, corner crew, the full works!
Over these eight weeks I would like to raise money for FMA UK so they can continue to raise awareness and continue to provide support for fibromyalgia sufferers and information. My aim is to also make people aware of the condition as not many people have heard of it, my target is £150 but I would love to smash through the £150 barrier and raise more, if possible, so if you have a spare bob or two, please donate, it would mean a lot to FMA UK and me too.
I have now begun week 5 of training, if you know of any Fibromyalgia sufferers or anyone who may be interested in further details/coming to cheer me on/be a part of the crowd, feel free to get in touch as part of taking part means I have to sell a certain amount of tickets. I am doing the boxing event through:, so you can check it out.
The 'white collar women's boxing event' takes place on Saturday 1st November 2014, ticket prices are £25 each seated and £20 each standing, if you are interested in joining me.
Hope to see some supporters there, you can even make and bring banners :)'
If you would like to go along and cheer Jay in her fight - please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.