Behind the Mask - Masquerade Ball, Manchester 04th April 2015
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- Category: Fundraising
- Published on Monday, 02 March 2015 13:51
- Hits: 8525
Margaret Probin is organising a Masquerade Ball to take place in Manchester on the 4th April 2015. She tells us why she is holding this fantastic fundraiser
"My Name is Margaret Probin. I am 34-years-old and I live in Manchester, England. I suffer from a condition called fibromyalgia. I am planning a fundraising Charity Ball which will take place on the 4th of April 2015 at the new glamorous Irish Centre in Cheetam Hill, Manchester. The charity event is called, Behind the Mask. The idea behind the name is because when someone suffers from fibromyalgia no one can tell how they are feeling inside or out. Therefore it feels like you are wearing a mask, making it difficult for anyone to see how you are feeling. This event is to highlight this misunderstood condition, raising awareness and raising funds which will go towards fibromyalgia research. The organisations I am working with are Fibromyalgia Association UK and Fibroduck Foundation.
My life-changing story
On the 16th of December 2012, I woke up not being able to walk. I had a sharp pain in my lower back which went down my left leg. My body was inflicted by so much agonising pain - I felt as though I was in constant childbirth. My skin felt like acid or boiling water was being constantly poured over and over again - medically know as Dysesthesia. On top of not being able to walk, I stopped talking, writing and had to wear nappies among other things. I had the most violent spasms and tremors and it took up to four strong care givers or nurses to restrain me when this happened. It’s an understatement to describe the pain as very painful - if anything it felt deathly.
I am sure not many will understand nor will they ever experience what I went through nor will I ever want anyone to suffer my pain. I am now in a better place but fully dependant on others. I have days where I can’t even leave my bed but a positive mind keeps me going.
How my life changed
Before I even started recovery, my marriage broke down and all the things I used to love doing as an independent person I could no longer do. Small tasks such as brushing my own teeth can take me at least 30 minutes to complete. After being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I was also diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME) and suffered chronic headaches and back ache. I need help with bathing, cooking and many tasks which I used to take for granted. Sometimes I can barely wake up because the pain is unbelievable and I find it difficult to walk. I have better days and some days are unbearable when a flare-up happens.
But I am a fighter and everyone who suffers from fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are super-strong individuals"
Click on the attachment below for poster with full details and how to book tickets