Fundraising Car Wash & Cake Sale
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- Category: Fundraising
- Published on Monday, 30 March 2015 13:18
- Hits: 5029
A big thank you goes out to Terry Hoare and the Openreach JRM team in Exeter, who recently held a charity car wash and cake sale in aid of FMA UK.
Terry had this to say about the event:
Bob my Openreach boss wanted to us to organise a charity event to raise money for a worthy charity. He knew my son Simon suffers from Fibromyalgia and he suggested a sponsored car wash and cake sale day to raise money for the FMA UK.
The team agreed and the organising started, The BT garage gave their permission for us to use the car wash facility and the rest of the team sorted out who was going to make which cakes. I contacted FMA UK for some info and anything they can send us to help, Pamphlets, balloons and T shirt were offered and gratefully accepted.
The weather forecast all week was dry and cloudy so not bad for car washing, but when I woke on the morning it was blowing a gale and pouring with rain and 3 degrees.
We had previously booked cars in at one every 15 minutes, with 22 pre booked.
The men took it in turns car washing while the Boss and the girls took care of selling the cakes, by the time we ran out of cars we had washed 34 with people just bringing them down I think they just wanted to keep us out in the rain.
We did not set price for the car wash but a minimum donation of £2 was asked, the vast majority gave well over the minimum with some generously donating without having their cars washed.
The selection of cakes included a Chocolate sponge with Mascarpone filling, Apple and Caramel cake, Blueberry Muffins, Rocky road, Billionaire Shortbread, Flapjacks, Chocolate brownies, a selection of cupcakes, hot cross buns and some pasties. The great selection of cakes were all but sold out by the end of the day and the total raised was £342.00.
A big thank you BT Fleet for the use of the car wash facility, to the team and all that gave so generously at the Openreach engineering centre at Exeter.