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Research Study Pascale Harrison

A research study exploring the perceptions and intentions of individuals with Fibromyalgia to manage cognitive changes.

Pascale Harrison, a trainee health psychologist is currently studying for a Doctorate in Health Psychology from the University of West of England (UWE). The reason for the interest in this topic is her experience of working with individuals with Fibromyalgia who have reported cognitive problems. She is looking for individuals to take part in her doctorate research.

What is required to take part?

  • You have a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia
  • Access to a computer
  • Cognitive problems
  • Exclusion criteria: Adolescents under 18 years old, head injury, CFS, ME, previous or present psychosis, cerebral disease and no reports of cognitive problems.

The ability to:

  • Login into a website
  • Create your own password so you can re-enter the website
  • Complete the online questionnaires and questions relating to your health, level of cognitive problems and how you cope with it.

The research should take you 15 minutes to complete and your data is anonymous.

If you are interested in taking part in the study or would like further details before making a decision please email the researcher Pascale Harrison and she will forward the research study website link.


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