Comparing Fibromyalgia Drugs
- Details
- Category: Medical Info and Drug Trials
- Published on Friday, 11 November 2011 14:52
- Hits: 9481
A group of researchers from the Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, USA have recently reviewed all the research that has been carried out looking at different drugs used to treat fibromyalgia. Analysing all the individual studies investigating the effectiveness and safety of drugs such as amitriptyline, milnacipran and pregabalin, they have summarised the current evidence to reveal which drugs are the most effective for treating the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
Some drugs are better at treating individual symptoms, such as sleep or pain, than others for example, and the effectiveness of certain drugs is certainly supported by more evidence than others. Dr Laura Dean has written a summary of the findings which can be found at: There are links throughout the summary to the original study where you can find out more detailed information.