Largest Genetic study of fibromylagia ever!
- Details
- Category: Medical Info and Drug Trials
- Published on Monday, 11 February 2013 13:02
- Hits: 9605
Thank you to all those who have signed up for this study. The 2000 target has now been reached. CALLING PEOPLE WITH FIBROMYALGIA WE NEED YOUR HELP TO COMPLETE THE LARGEST GENETIC STUDY OF FIBROMYLAGIA EVER!
The study can be completed at your local GP practice!
We need to reach our target of 2000 people taking part in this study and we are 60% of the way there! With YOUR help we will have enough people in the study to allow scientists to tease apart the genetic factors contributing to the development of fibromyalgia.
We have spoken to many people with fibromyalgia and have heard their frustration at the poor treatment options available to those living with chronic pain. The team working on this study includes scientists and doctors convinced that we will be able to devise better therapies only with improved understanding of the biology of pain.
Thank you to the 1200 of you who have already enrolled in the fibromyalgia study – your support and effort is invaluable. If you have already received a blood donation kit we should be grateful if you would kindly arrange this by the end of April 2013. If you have received a blood donation kit but are unable to take part in the study, please return the kit to FREEPOST address: Admin Team, Department of Twin Research, St Thomas’ Hospital, FREEPOST LON7776, London, SE1 7YY (no stamp required)
If you have fibromyalgia and would like more information about the study, please call us on 0207 188 1928. On registration you will be sent a questionnaire, a blood donation kit and instructions. Or you can register on line at
If you have registered but have not yet received a blood donation kit, please bear with us as we continue to send kits out – the response has been most impressive. We will post the kit to you as soon as we can.
Thank you once again.
Best wishes
Dr Frances Williams
Senior Lecturer and Hon Consultant Rheumatologist
King’s College London
St Thomas’ Hospital
London SE1 7EH