Consultation report published: the Provision of Specialist Residential Chronic Pain Services in Scotland
- Details
- Category: Medical Info and Drug Trials
- Published on Thursday, 23 January 2014 16:04
- Hits: 6213
A consultation on “The Provision of Specialist Residential Chronic Pain Services in Scotland” was carried out by the Scottish Government between 2nd September 2013 and 27th October 2013. A total of 228 submissions were received to the written consultation, and 77 people experiencing chronic pain and other stakeholders attended events organised by the Health and Social Care Alliance.
Main findings
- The consultation document described three options for specialist residential chronic pain services: a Centre of Excellence in a single location (Option 1); a service delivered by local chronic pain clinicians supported by other clinical advisors in another part of the country (Option 2) and a service delivered in different locations by a team of chronic pain specialists (an outreach or roving service) (Option 3).
- There was a clear preference overall for Option 1 – a Centre of Excellence in a single location. Among those who ticked a preference, three quarters (75%) ticked a preference for Option 1, while only 14% ticked Option 2 and 6% Option 3.
- A small proportion of written respondents (5%) ticked more than one option. Over a fifth of all respondents made some comments to suggest the need for, or value of, the inclusion of elements of more than one of the options.
You can see the full document here.