Patient Opinion
- Details
- Category: Medical Info and Drug Trials
- Published on Friday, 12 September 2014 15:48
- Hits: 5897
Patients sharing their experiences of their local NHS services - good or bad - are essential and really valuable in helping to improve the NHS. We know this because health services tell us how they have improved services as a direct result of feedback from their patient.
So FMA UK has teamed up with the online patient experience website Patient Opinion to give you the chance to share your own stories and suggestions on how your local services could be made better for fibromyalgia patients. If you’re a patient, carer, family member or friend, we’d like to hear from you. Whether you feel there could be vital improvements at your local hospital or you want to say thank you to the staff that treated you, this is your opportunity to share your thoughts with the people that can make a difference to how your local services are delivered.
You can tell your story on the website by filling in this online form below. If you've experienced health care recently, either as a patient yourself or as a carer or friend of someone else, please tell us how it was. What was good? What could have been better?
Your story will be handled confidentially by the non-profit service Patient Opinion. Your story may appear (without your name) on their website. Patient Opinion asks the health service to respond to the feedback you share, but does not reveal your identity.
This service is independent of FMAUK and the NHS. For more information about Patient Opinion and how your story is handled, visit