Press Releases
FMA UK registers as a company limited by guarantee
- Details
- Category: Press Releases
- Published on Monday, 08 December 2014 13:19
- Hits: 6623
FMA UK is proud to announce that it has registered as a company limited by guarantee (SC492045). This move is to help the charity with its future plans and charitable activities. While this is an administrative change and does not affect how we operate in any way you will see our company number appear on documentation and our website going forward. This is just a part of a number of changes that will help the charity.
For more information on why charities become companies you can look here: but the extract below is the main point as to why it is beneficial for charities..
“There are a variety of reasons for getting limited liability via registering as a company. It limits the liability of company directors, which usually equates to those on the management committee (who will also be the charity trustees if it is a charity). Employing staff, taking up a lease or owning property are common prompts to get limited liability.”