Involving people with fibromyalgia in your research
We believe it is vital that people with fibromyalgia, and parents and carers of people with fibromyalgia, are given the opportunity to influence and participate in research. FMA UK can help with research studies by promoting them to our social media sites and our wider community. This can reach thousands of people and be beneficial to your research project. We've helped out with many projects and continue to consider new research projects and studies.
Patient participation
Fibromyalgia Action UK has previously facilitated recruitment of participants to research studies, when opportunities align with our own vision, and have the potential to positively impact the lives of people living with fibromyalgia.
Lay involvement
Fibromyalgia Action UK has an extensive network, and welcomes researchers to provide opportunities for people with fibromyalgia and/or their carers to become involved in research.
Involving people with fibromyalgia and/or their carers in research is incredibly important, from prioritisation through to dissemination. Patient and public involvement in research is increasingly expected, if not required, by funders. By involving patients and carers in research, treatments and outcomes of research are more likely to meet the needs of those living with fibromyalgia, and are more likely to be put into practice.
From prioritising research questions, to preparing lay summaries, reviewing research proposals, and being involved as co-applicants on research projects, it is incredibly important that patients and carers are involved in all aspects of research. Fibromyalgia Action UK welcome the opportunity to discuss ways in which we can support your work and ensure the needs and priorities of people with fibromyalgia are met.
Get involved
If you would like people living with fibromyalgia to participate in your study, please download our application form and guidance notes.
Please send your completed application form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and email us if you have any questions or would like to discuss your plans.
We have participated in and will support all types of research from Undergraduate and MSc to PHD, NIHR and other funded projects. If prior to obtaining ethics approval for your project or as part of the funding application you require our support then we would be pleased to help as long as the following are met:
- completed FMA UK research form
- we have evidence of ethical approval by appropriate body
- research topic aligns with our objectives
- we have good communication with the lead researcher.