August FaMily Magazine
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- Category: General
- Created on Tuesday, 18 August 2009 05:47
- Published on Tuesday, 18 August 2009 05:40
- Hits: 11344

Also Linda Horncastle shares her personal experience with the treatment, Alpha-Stim 100, a device that uses microcurrent therapy to naturally and safely stimulate cell repair.
With best wishes,
Kathy Longley (FMA UK Editor)(Subscribe to FaMily Magazine to get more of these articles)
Each month articles included in FaMily Magazine will be previewed on this site. If you like the look of what you see you can decide to purchase a year's subscription by clicking here.
Measuring Fibrofog by Kathy Longley
"I find cognitive problems in most of my patients with fibromyalgia," says Dr Mark Pellegrino from Canton, Ohio, who has treated over 20,000 fibromyalgia patients. "The symptoms they complain of are forgetfulness, absent mindedness, being easily overwhelmed, easily distracted, mental fatigue or brain fog and having to read the same paragraph over and over again."….
I’ve Found Relief With Alpha-Stim 100 by Linda Horncastle
At last I have discovered pain relief without side-effects. I am also sleeping better, feeling calmer and am more alert. All this is due to Alpha-Stim 100, a device that uses microcurrent therapy to naturally and safely stimulate cell repair. It consists of a small box (like a TENS machine) in which probes, electrodes or ear-clips can be plugged in and attached to areas of the body to target pain……
Group Leaders' Meeting 2009 by Pam Stewart
The Group Leaders' Meeting, held at Christchurch Lye, was open to all groups who are "working with FMA UK". It had been arranged by the trustees and regional co-ordinators to enable groups and FMA UK to discuss activities that each have been involved in, to plan for the future and to examine ways of improving…….
Trustee Jean Turner Sadly Resigns by Pam Stewart
It is with reluctance that the trustees have to accept Jean's resignation from the board of trustees due to increased family commitments. Jean has been a valued part of the board of trustees bringing an additional perspective to both her dedicated role and the general trustee duties that she performed…..
Launceston FM/ME Support Group by Marion Gavin
In Launceston, Cornwall we meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 10 am from 12 noon at Dingley Hall, Methodist Church, Castle Street, Launceston. Meetings start with coffee and then we have a speaker or demonstration mostly on things that are helpful to those with FM/M.E or CFS. One of our recent speakers was a reflexologist who gave a talk and demonstration on hand reflexology which our members found very beneficial….
Awareness Day in Blackburn
Blackburn Group held a fund raising and awareness event on 15th May. We sold tea and homemade cakes, plants, books, CDs etc and had a raffle. Denise won the star prize in the raffle of a handmade patchwork quilt, donated by a friend of the group……
Legal Success for Two Fibromyalgia Sufferers
Case 1: £103,891 Payout for Fibromyalgia Sufferer Under Insurance Policy
Mrs JG, a fibromyalgia sufferer, has managed to achieve a full payout under the Critical Illness section of her Life Insurance Policy. 38 year old Mrs JG from Chandlers Ford, Hampshire had been a solicitor since November 2002. Following the birth of a child in 2004, Mrs JG began to feel terrible pain in her joints and all over her body….
Case 2: £45,000 Payout for Fibromyalgia Sufferer
This is a fascinating case of a man who recovered £45,000 in a wholly unexpected way. JR was employed as a warehouse person by a big company. In January 2004 he slipped on a patch of black ice on the forecourt of his employer’s premises. As a result of the accident JR sustained injuries to his right shoulder. These injuries required surgery and unfortunately he developed post-operative complications, including fibromyalgia…..
Should Rheumatologists Retain Ownership of Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) has been causing controversy since its formal recognition over two decades ago. FMS was originally believed to be a rheumatic complaint due to the presence of widespread body pain and soft tissue tenderness.
Therefore, rheumatologists have traditionally been responsible for diagnosis and management of FMS. This was consolidated by the American College of Rheumatology's development of criteria for the classification of FMS in 1990. However, FMS is now thought to represent a pain syndrome centred on the central nervous system rather than a rheumatic disease….
What’s Your Limit? How Bad Does It Have To Get Before You Take Control? By Pam Wright
As a personal coach with a special interest in living life to the full whilst managing long term illness and disability, I am only too aware of the courage required to accept that some change is inevitable. My message, borne out of my own experience and the testimonials of my readers and clients, is that taking a different view of your problems enables personal growth and can lead to the achievement of forgotten dreams….
You Can Be A Groupie by Jeanne Hambleton
Have you ever wondered what I do to fill my time and keep the pains at bay? To be honest I really enjoy myself. I have two of the most rewarding jobs you could wish for - although the pay is not exactly great as I am a volunteer - the satisfaction rating is way up there…..