September FaMily Magazine
- Details
- Category: General
- Created on Wednesday, 02 September 2009 16:39
- Published on Wednesday, 02 September 2009 16:35
- Hits: 11983
Do you ever feel depressed? Sometimes the pain and fatigue of FM can pull you down and this is when you need positive input to melt away the gloom. Author, Pam Norman, has put together a fabulous little book called Colour in the Darkness, specifically designed with helpful phrases and concepts that you can use to trigger positive thoughts and take positive action. Read about Pam's personal story and what inspired her to put this little book together.
Now is also the time to start thinking about buying your Christmas cards! FMA UK have three fabulous designs on offer this year, so choose your favourite designs and get your order in!
With best wishes,
Kathy Longley (FMA UK Editor)(Subscribe to FaMily Magazine to get more of these articles)
Each month articles included in FaMily Magazine will be previewed on this site. If you like the look of what you see you can decide to purchase a year's subscription by clicking here.
Fancy a Life in the Sun? By Yvonne Haycock
Five years ago a very close friend told me she was moving to Spain, something most of us would love to do but don't have the bottle, or in the case of FM sufferers like us, it just isn't an option because we think of Spain as being unable to cope with or understand the effects of FM and the treatment we need……
In the Spotlight with Author Pam Norman
Pam Norman lives in Bath with her husband, Michael, and four children and works part-time as a nurse. Following the birth of her fourth child she suffered from depression, which became severe. She describes it as a horrible experience that she would not wish on anyone. After her recovery, she noticed how many other people were going through the same thing and decided to put together a book to share ideas and to give reassurance to people who are feeling depressed, whatever their circumstances. The book is entitled Colour in the Darkness: Helpful hints for people who are feeling down……..
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) audit: “Joint Working" by Pam Stewart
This ARMA audit was an important survey of PCTs concerning the implementation of the musculoskeletal services framework (MSF) entitled "A joint responsibility: doing things differently" which was instigated by the government in July 2006. When this was announced we were assured that fibromyalgia would be a part of this scheme……
FMA UK responds to Department of Health
Ann Keen's answer to the question posed by MP for Wirral West, Stephen Hesford, on 13th July 2009 about treatment for fibromyalgia and the ARMA audit shows how much is still to be done for the decision makers to understand the problems people with fibromyalgia face……
Thanks to Marc Pooler From FMA UK
I am currently studying British Politics and Legislative Studies at the University of Hull. I have just finished my third of four years and in October I will return to Hull for a final year.
I am originally from Rugby in Warwickshire and I developed an interest in politics from an early age. I took Government and Politics at A-Level and joined the Conservative Party when I was 16. Since then I have campaigned in many elections and in May 2008, I stood for election……
Firewalking for FM
Jan Mayfield, who runs the Burton-on-Trent FM support group with Judith Wilkinson, decided to partake in a firewalk on hot coals to raise awareness and funds for FM! Jan said, "It was an amazing experience. I walked across with my daughter Leanne and then we both had a go on our own, it was such an amazing feeling!"………
Certain disorders can be treated by stimulating our sense of smell with aromatic oils (essential oils) – a technique known as aromatherapy. Indeed, a particular aroma is known to help treat a particular health or wellbeing problem….
The Constancy of Change by Life Coach Pam Wright
For many people, becoming ill with a condition like fibromyalgia is a gradual process, changes go almost unnoticed at first. You start by making allowances for your pain and fatigue difficulties, taking steps to combat the tiredness or curtailing activities which cause pain. You become adept at finding acceptable excuses and reasons why you are not feeling so good…
Peppermint Oil for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
I began informing patients who have co morbid irritable bowel syndrome about peppermint oil, a possible remedy. Seven (of 12) patients with co morbid irritable bowel syndrome have used it and reported that they felt peppermint oil has helped relieve their irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, mainly bloating, pain, and discomfort…
British Fibromyalgia Awareness Week September 7th-13th
International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day is always 12th May but here in Britain we have our FM Awareness Week in September and this year it is the 7th-13th. FMA UK like to give their fundraisers as much support and encouragement as possible and are always keen to hear about what ideas you have come up with….