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Late bookings for Pamper Weekend and Conference

If you are sitting back thinking you have missed the memorable Fibromyalgia Conference & Weekend beside the seaside in West Sussex on April 23/26 that everyone is talking about – think again! There is still time to join us.

Following the release of additional chalets previously held on block-bookings by bigger groups we now have some twin singles with en suite facilities and a couple of double room chalets with one double, one single, en suite, for 3 friends or a family.  If you are keen we can still find you and a partner a bed for a great weekend. We are sorry we have no single rooms available, so if you have not got a partner find a friend – always great to have a friend in an emergency.

Since I last wrote we have added to our impressive list of speakers. Professor Basant Puri, a world-renowned researcher and consultant at Hammersmith Hospital in London and Professor and Consultant, MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, is a presentation. We hope he will announce his findings of the Brain Imaging Study he has been conducting in his own time with barely any funding. He will also join other specialists on stage for an hour of Question Time as a finale.

We are delighted to welcome a very busy lady Dr Cathy Price, an award winning Pain Management Consultant for her work in Innovation and Leadership. A top consultant in her field she has worked for at Southampton Hospital since 1999, her background includes research and clinical experience.

Dr Ray Perrin will talk about Fibromyalgia and the Perrin technique, developed over the past 20 years. He will reveal how simple measures can relieve many of the FM symptoms using manual drainage of toxins from the central nervous system. A registered osteopath, he is also a specialist in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Dr Bob Lister BSc PhD FBS C Biol. will talk about micro current stimulation and how it can work for you. Dr Lister is a health care consultant specialising in nutrition and disease and has an ongoing interest in the nutritional aspects of fibromyalgia management. He has also specialised in brain chemistry and supplements.

Andrea Barr a complementary pain management practitioner, with particular interest in Fibromyalgia, in a multidisciplinary Pain Clinic at Pilgrim Hospital Boston, Lincolnshire, will be talking about the logical empowerment approach to pain management. Andrea has lectured in Switzerland, Austria and the UK. For details of our other keynote speakers, please read our last information.

Looking at pampering therapists these include Alexander technique, aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, charka readings, colour therapist, EFT, Indian head massages, facials, fibromyalgia counsellor, kinesiology, hair, nutritional therapist, Polarity therapy, reflexology, spiritual medium and tarot.

We are almost fully booked for the deep sea fishing trip all day Saturday, as well as the fossil hunt along Bracklesham Bay beach with Chris Cole, who does field trip reports for the TRG.org, London-based specialist geological society with an interest in the Tertiary period worldwide.  Known as the Tertiary Research Group (not be confused with the TRG -Tory Reform Group…we do not want to have our fossils getting political although there may be a few old fossils in the Houses of Parliament… he he he.)  Look for www.trg.org.

Apart from the dance band, professional cabaret, and some evening fun events include a fancy dress option and charity auction for research, we have added a horse racing event.  To get into the spirit of things you can name a horse for just £10 for fibro research. If your gee gee comes in first you get the winner’s prize.

There will be lots going on and this promises to be a one only event  - we might not have the strength to do it again.  Complete the on line booking form or email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for more details and details of available accommodation. Hurry – there may be a sudden rush.  Hope you can join us for lotza laughter.

Take care.
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