Dave Cooper receives certificate for work with fm
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- Category: General
- Created on Saturday, 10 April 2010 00:05
- Published on Saturday, 10 April 2010 00:05
- Hits: 16894
Merseyside & Wirral Fibromyalgia Group: Press Release
Total Fitness & Fibromyalgia
Presentation of a Fibromyalgia Northwest Certificate of Excellence to Dave Cooper for his outstanding performance and lasting contribution to Fibromyalgia – the UK’s only Fibromyalgia Personal Trainer.
Venue: Presentation Prenton Total Fitness in Studio 2 6.4.2010.
Presentation was made by first team Tranmere player Andy Robson and manager Les Parry with Sue Strafford-Binks, group leader of Merseyside & Wirral Fibromyalgia Group and FMA UK Regional Co-ordinator Northwest Region. Dave is a huge Tranmere football fan and as Tranmere have always supported Merseyside & Wirral Fibromyalgia Group’s fund raising, there has been a close connection for many years.
Sue says, “I would like to thank Dave age 27 for that past 4 years dedication in training my group members. He is so gifted that even when we get to the gym too weak to do anything with having an incurable illness like Fibromyalgia, Dave will adapt every session to get the best out of the team and turn it into an hour of fun, laughter and exercise. This gives sufferers such a feel good factor and sense of achievement very few people can gain.
He comes to train my team even on his day off such is his dedication. I would like to thank him from the bottom of my heart for all he had done for my team and fibromyalgia. He is also a regular guest speaker at my group meetings and spoke at my Fibromyalgia Patient Professional conference in September, where he had the whole of the delegates on their feet exercising, even the consultants. He is unique and I am proud to call him my friend.
So often people who work in the voluntary sector are not thanked for their precious work. Thanks also to Total Fitness who I have worked with for the last 10 years. They also have raised awareness of fibromyalgia and supported all my work in many ways.”
Dave has worked in the fitness industry for the last 8 years, in both the private and public sectors with jobs ranging through fitness instruction to management. He has specialised in the field of health and rehabilitation for 5 years now, focusing on many clients from a range of backgrounds and initiatives.
He has been involved with Sue Strafford-Binks and the Fibromyalgia Association Northwest charity for the last 4 years working with “Team Fibro” in groups and individuals in weekly training classes, witnessing first hand the life changing improvements these people have achieved.
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