We need you to help fill out our survey
- Details
- Category: General
- Created on Monday, 11 June 2012 08:58
- Published on Monday, 11 June 2012 08:58
- Hits: 8360
Please we need your help.
Some time ago we asked you to take part in a survey so that we had UK statistics we could use to provide evidence of what is happening in the UK. Given the number of people with fibromyalgia and the numbers that contact us we anticipated we would have no problem getting at least 500 replies and thought 1000 might be achievable.
Unfortunately we have far fewer than our 500 target. Not only is this a disappointment to all those people that have put time and effort into this, it means the low numbers could have a detrimental effect on any use we might put the resulting report to. It will not indicate that large numbers are affected or see fibromyalgia as a problem.
The company running the survey for us is doing this for no charge and even donating £1 to anyone you registers with them as well.
This really is a win win situation for everyone with fibromyalgia. Money raised will help pay for information packs and awareness materials. Information will support lobbying for better understanding and treatment.
We have a hard working team of volunteers doing their best to achieve wider recognition, but we cannot manufacture data. We ask for a little of your time from the comfort of your own home to help us. Is this really too much to ask?
Please go to http://www.fmauk.org/articles/41-medicalandtrials/727-important-survey-about-fibromyalgia-sign-up-and-take-part to register in the first instance. You will then be sent the link for the full survey about a month after your registration questionnaire.
Pam Stewart MBE