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Category: General
Created on Tuesday, 12 May 2015 10:33
Published on Tuesday, 12 May 2015 10:33
Hits: 6495
Today is May 12th which is the birthday of Florence Nightingale who has been thought to have fibromyalgia and / or ME. This was one of the main reasons for today becoming International Fibromyalgia Awareness day. It is a day that support groups and people with fibromyalgia around the globe come together to raise awareness of fibromyalia. Working together like this does and will make a difference for our tomorrow's.
Raise awareness today by talking to people about your fibromyalgia. Friends, workmates and strangers on the street are all people that could learn more about how we cope with this debilitating condition from day to day.
If you are on Facebook or Twitter you could join others by using #fibro, #fibromyalgia or #askmeaboutfibromyalgia hashtags or changing your status to tell people that it is International Fibromyalgia Awareness day.