Useful Information
These articles contain information that you may find useful. It could be travelling with your fibro or preparing for a Dr's appointment.
FMAUK FibroMapp - last few days at 99p
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- Category: Useful Information
- Published on Friday, 30 May 2014 12:48
- Hits: 7115
just a reminder that there is only a couple of days left to purchase FMAUK FibroMapp at the special offer price of £0.99. As of 1st June the price returns to £3.99
Purchase FMAUK FibroMapp here
Pain Toolkit Newsletter - Spring 2014
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- Category: Useful Information
- Published on Wednesday, 16 April 2014 11:20
- Hits: 7010
Please see the newsletter we received from Pete Moore creator of the pain toolkit. This resource has been helpful for people with chronic pain. Follow the links for more info about it and what else he offers.
National Voice Guide to Care & Support Planning
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- Category: Useful Information
- Published on Saturday, 22 March 2014 21:05
- Hits: 6536
Earlier this month National Voice launched their Guide to Care and Support Planning.
It is a fantastic guide designed for and by people who use services, and carers, with National Voices members and partners.
Why do we need care and support planning?
You live with your condition and/or disability every day and make decisions about how to manage it. Over time, you learn what works best for you, what information, care and support you need and how it fits into your life.
The professional or supporter you work with has skills and knowledge to help you understand their condition or disability and the choices for monitoring, treatment and available support.
Care and support planning makes the best use of you and your professional or supporter's expertise and the time you spend together.
Campaign Blog from Chair, Royal College of General Practitioners
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- Category: Useful Information
- Published on Saturday, 22 March 2014 20:43
- Hits: 6232
Please see below, recent blog from the Royal College of General Practitioners
Dear all
We have been actively gaining support and raising awareness of the Put patients first: Back general practice campaign on social media, within the health community and with our politicians.
Our first campaign Twitter chat
I recently hosted my first Twitter chat for this campaign. Thanks to everyone who got involved – you asked some great questions and sent hundreds of tweets. This enabled us to reach nearly two million twitter accounts in the week alone with #putpatientsfirst. I would particularly like to thank David Nicholson for getting involved, it is wonderful that our campaign message is getting through to NHS England. The media also picked up on it – GP Online wrote about it beforehand and joined in the discussion, and we had support from the Guardian Health Network. If you missed out on the Twitter chat, you can watch it on our Storify.
CPPC Announce Pain Champion for 2014
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- Category: Useful Information
- Published on Wednesday, 29 January 2014 15:29
- Hits: 5667
The Chronic Pain Policy Coalition are pleased to announce the Pain Champion for 2014 as Peter Moore founder of the Pain Toolkit.
The award given by the Chronic Pain Policy Coalition in conjunction with Pain UK and the British Pain Society recognises outstanding achievement by those who work to improve the quality of life with people who live in persistent pain
Fibromyalgia & Wellbeing Research
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- Category: Useful Information
- Published on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 06:02
- Hits: 9973
Recent research suggests that processes such as acceptance, mindfulness and engaging in activities related to personal values may assist in the management of chronic pain conditions. Less is known about how this might be helpful for individuals with fibromyalgia. A study is currently being conducted by Swinburne University of Technology which examines fibromyalgia severity, wellbeing and psychological flexibility (i.e. acceptance, mindfulness and values-based living).
Your participation will help to gather important information about the impact of fibromyalgia on wellbeing with the aim of enhancing treatment and health outcomes. Participation involves completing an anonymous online questionnaire which takes about 20 minutes. Further information and the questionnaire is available at